Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Surgery Day

Our baby boy had surgery this morning. Thankfully, it was a minor surgery that we have been expecting for a few months now. It was also an out-patient surgery, which meant that he got to come home with us the same day. I have been anxious about how we would handle everything the past few weeks. I say "we" because I have a major anxiety over the idea of anesthesia anyway, and have for as long as I can remember. I hate the idea of being asleep and having no control over your own body or what is happening to you. So naturally, I wasn't thrilled about the idea of my baby having to go through it. Eliott has also had quite a few doctor's visits lately so he gets pretty freaked out when there are doctors and nurses in the room now.

I was awake for a while last night praying that everything would go well. When I woke up so much of my anxiety over the whole day was gone. I knew that we had close friends and family praying for us, and I could feel it. I was expecting Eliott to be a mess without being allowed to eat in the morning, but he woke up very happy and that helped with the whole process.

When we got to the hospital, I was so impressed by how accommodating the nurses were. Everyone loved making him smile, and kept checking to make sure he was comfortable. The doctor was wonderful and kept us updated throughout the surgery. They brought him a little stuffed animal, and a wagon to ride in as a distraction to get to the operating room.

After the surgery, we got to see him right away. I could hold him while he woke up, and he could finally eat. He must have been missing that morning meal, because he did not stop eating for the rest of the day! While he will still have a week or two of healing to do, he is back to running all over the place tonight. We are so thankful for how well everything went.

I also wanted to mention how thankful we are to have such amazing grandparents for our boys. We left Logan with Dan's mom bright and early this morning. She kept him busy all day long... or maybe it was more like he kept her busy. ;) She took him to the playground so that Dan and I could take an afternoon nap when Eliott did today, which was amazing. It is such a blessing knowing that we didn't have to worry about him when we were with Eliott because he was being well taken care of.


  1. So glad to hear that all went so well! I can only imagine how stressful that must have been to know your baby was going under anesthesia. So glad to hear all is well!

    1. Thank you! I was so thankful for how well everything went. He is healing up wonderfully too. :)
