Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog! I'm Melissa and those handsome guys in the picture above are where my heart is. Dan and I dated throughout high school and have been married for five years now. We knew that we wanted a family, and were thrilled to find out that I was pregnant seven months into our marriage. I had always dreamed of staying home with our kids, and God made it happen. In January of 2012 after a very long night, we met our first baby boy, Logan Cole. Just last year, after two years of hoping and praying, we found out that I was pregnant again with our second son. Eliott Clark was born in November of 2015.

Four years ago, we bought a townhouse in New Hampshire that we like to call home, for now anyway. Dan works hard running his own painting business. We love God, each other, and our families, and that is what gets us through each day.

This blog is just as much a memory book for me, as it is a way for others to keep up with what we are doing. I love to write and have come to realize that it is more than that... almost a need. The good and the bad... straight from the heart. You are likely to find a little bit of everything here. I write about the life of a stay at home wife and mom, the everyday stuff, organizing and decorating our home, recipes that I love, and whatever else happens to roll off of my fingertips.

I hope you enjoy and would love for you to leave a comment letting me know you were here!

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