Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Room Sharing

We switched Eliott into the boy's bedroom last week. He started with naps in the crib, and has spent the last three nights sleeping in there throughout the night. Logan likes "having his little buddy to keep him company". They are both sleeping through the night, so the transition has gone so well!

He had been looking so huge in his little bed beside our's. When we switched him into the crib he looked tiny again! I love having pictures of my sleeping boys... maybe because it is pretty much the only time they are still.

I love that they are sharing a room now, and Logan is so excited for bunk beds one day.


  1. Aww, bunk beds will be precious!! My sister and I shared a room and had bunk beds for a while when we were younger. Love it! :)

    1. My sister and I also shared a room when we were younger and both loved it (until highschool haha). I think they will have fun with bunk beds some day. :)

  2. aww what a cutie.. lucky you to have the boys all sleeping through the night.

    1. Thank you :) They both fight sleep like crazy when we are away from home, but I am definitely blessed to have good sleepers any other time!
