Monday, May 16, 2016

Parkers Maple Barn

A couple weekends ago, we drove out to Parker's maple barn to meet my in-laws for breakfast.  I believe that Dan and I were still just dating the last time that we had been to Parker's with the family. I knew Logan would have a blast, and was excited to go back.

First we had an awesome breakfast together, then we took a walk through the woods, and ended our trip with browsing the gift shop. We had a great time, and Logan brought back some fun souvenirs too!

This is a big mix of photos from my cell phone, camera, and a bunch are stolen from my mother in law...


  1. So fun!! And you four are SO adorable!

  2. Your husband has a red beard!! So does mine haha. I always tease him that we are going to have red headed kids cuz I have strawberry blonde hair! Anyway looks like you guys had a good time! :)

    1. Haha yes totally red... your kids would look so cute with red hair! I always wondered if our kids would have red hair, but they both seem to be blondies so far. Yes, we had a great day!
