Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Logan's Batman Birthday Party

I am working on catching up on some posts, and realized that I hadn't posted about Logan's actual party yet. I wanted to make sure that I got some pictures from the night up on the blog. My mother in law was sweet enough to take pictures so that I didn't have to think about it.

This year's party was much more thrown together at the last minute than his others were. It was a crazy busy season between Eliott's birth, Christmas, and Logan's birthday all packed into a short period of time. I was out getting decorations with my mom the night before (thanks for the fun batman stuff mom) and made the cake/ other food the day of. Everything worked out fine in the end, and it made no difference to Logan how last minute everything was.

We gave him a new batman costume because he was still trying to squeeze into the one from halloween of 2014. He loves how big and strong the muscles make him look.

He has always loved the classic batman movie. He really wanted a cake with the scene of the shark biting batman's leg.

His cousin loved his costume too!

Dan's family always did an extra candle on their birthday cakes for good luck (Logan turned four but has five candles). I had never heard of doing that before. He said that he had no idea that some people didn't do an extra candle because even at the birthday parties that he went to as a kid, his friends did it that way. So I am totally curious if most people do an extra one or not. I would love to hear how you do it in the comments!


  1. Oh my goodness, what a fun party!

    I've never heard of adding an extra candle for good luck, but that's a cute tradition!

    1. Haha thanks... I was so curious if it was just my family that never did it!
