|| life through my cell phone lens ||
The most beautiful pink sunset on our walk one afternoon.
The cutest little baby grin.
A perfect kite flying day at Grammy H.'s house.
My star wars obsessed kiddo.

Chubby baby hands & watching his brother fly a kite.
Warm chicken noodle soup and garlic bread... the perfect winter dinner!
We started school up again (after a two month break for Eliott's birth, the holidays, and Logan's birthday) and have changed a few things up. It has been going so well, and we having a lot of fun with it. I am excited to see how the rest of the year goes now that our really busy season has passed.
Another from one of our afternoon walks last week.
.... And the very next day we got hit with our first real snow storm of the season. The river looked so pretty with everything covered in snow.
My mother in law actually took this one. She made Logan a batman cake that looked just like the batman cake that Dan had as a kid. The look on his face says it all...
So many happy faces in this post! Love that shot of the three of you together!