How far along? 36 weeks (last Saturday)
Baby is the size of: A honeydew About 18.5 inches and 5.5 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Yes! Even my maternity shirts are getting too short.
Sleep: Still waking up about 3x every night, but going back to sleep easily.
Best moment this week: I had a great appointment Monday. I was thinking back to how uncomfortable and unhappy I was with my midwife at this point in my pregnancy with Logan. I am thrilled to have a doctor that I really like this time around. I have slowly learned to trust her throughout this pregnancy, something that I have never felt I could do with any of my doctors previously.
Movement: Yes... he is back to moving all of the time now that he has dropped down.
Food cravings: Yogurt
Anything making you queasy or sick? If I don't eat early enough in the morning, I can't seem to get anything down. So I have been trying to make myself at least eat something little not long after waking up each morning.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Contractions almost every day now. Sometimes they get to be about 5-7 minutes apart but they always end up fading away after an hour or two.
Symptoms: Swelling, stretching, aching, all of the fun stuff that happens toward the end of pregnancy. But 110% worth it!!!
Wedding rings on or off? On most of the time but they have been getting tighter.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy and trying to get some of the last minute things finished up. Once I have our bags packed and everything at the house all set it will feel great.
Looking forward to: The prenatal massage that my mom scheduled for me tomorrow! I am way too excited to relax and enjoy a massage. A huge thank you to both my mom, and my in laws for all of the ways they have helped out throughout this pregnancy. We have been blessed beyond belief with baby items, and loving grandparents to take Logan when I need a break or have an appointment to be at.
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