Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Three Words

Today was one of those busy days... not bad. just busy. I had a bunch of errands that I wanted to do this morning and we just couldn't seem to get out of the house. I have had Logan in underwear almost constantly (unless sleeping) for the past week. For a quick second, I thought about just putting a diaper on him for our errands and then decided against it. Consistency is key, I told myself. I packed up all of the extras that come with potty training... extra underwear, clothes, socks, and a potty.

I finally headed out the door around eleven (about two hours later than I was hoping for). We got to the first store and went into the bathroom. He went potty right away and I was confident that we could make it through the next few hours with no problems. We headed back to the house around one thirty, accident free and with a few successes throughout the day. Once on the highway I noticed a line of break lights up ahead. I hoped that it would pass quickly instead of being completely stopped.

It was stopped. It took a good forty five minutes to get to the next exit. When I was finally able to pull over I discovered that the poor kid just couldn't hold it while we sat in traffic. I got him out, cleaned him up, and changed him. At this point, I had gotten off an exit that I wasn't very familiar with and had to try to find my way home without getting back onto the traffic blocked highway.

I finally arrived home with a sleeping toddler who was wearing only underwear. He still hadn't had lunch and I was exhausted. The afternoon went on just about the same way as the morning had.

When Dan got home from work the house was still a mess from the busy morning that we had. There had been no thought about dinner plans yet. And I was ready for bed. I could tell when he came through the door that he felt the same way.

I decided on spaghetti and salad. Because spaghetti is perfect for a last minute dinner. We ate out on the deck because Logan had been asking to go outside. By the time we all sat down together, we were all wiped. Logan was sticking "pasgetti" pieces in his hair and pretending he had a wig on. Then, I looked across the table at Dan.

It was nearly seven and I was just really looking at him for the first time. I took a minute to appreciate the good looking guy that I am married too. And then he winked at me, and I smiled. I thought three words... I am blessed.

Dan: You know what today is?
Me:  .... Tuesday? 
Dan:  I kissed you for the first time eight years ago today.

Then my heart skipped a beat.
I thought about the teenagers that we were then. I wondered if I realized how amazing he was then. I thought about how far we have come, and what we have been through together. And I decided for the millionth time that I love him. And I love this life.
I wouldn't trade days like today for anything because these boys mean everything to me.

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