Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dear Logan,

You handed me a very long day today. Any day that you manage to pee on both mommy and daddy usually means it has been a long one. You woke up too early and didn't take much of a nap. Most of the time you are a pretty easy going kiddo. Today seemed to bring one challenge right after another. I am exhausted. I thought that now would be a good time to write you a letter. The reason I am writing is to tell you that I love you, no matter how hard a day gets.

I realized today that I will have a two year old next month. TWO. How on earth did that happen?! I know that question may sound a little cliche... but really, I have no idea how you are two. I am so thankful for all of the time I get with you. I also wanted to let you know that you are already one cool kid. I keep thinking that you are most fun at the age that you are at... and then you get older, and I think the same thing then too.

You make us laugh about 100 times a day. The other day you were walking around the house saying "Eggs and ham... Eggs and ham... Eggs and ham". A little confused, I thought maybe you wanted eggs and ham for breakfast. No, you were looking for one of your favorite books, Green Eggs and Ham. You have started saying "okayy" in the cutest little voice to just about anything I ask you to do. (Today you may have had a little more resistance, but in general you have become very compliant.) I love it.

You wear your rain boots around the house 90% of the time. I couldn't get them on you without a full out melt down two months ago. Now, the go-to outfit of choice? Undies and rain boots. Your favorite song is The wheels on the bus. New sentences pop out of your mouth every day. We are amazed at the things that you remember and love to talk about.

You raid the fridge as fast as your little hands can go as soon as you see the door open. First to go? The grapes. You know a few letters, a few numbers, can count to five, and know most of your colors. Sometimes you think it is funny to say everything is yellow just to see how people react though. Your giggle is adorable and you think daddy's beard is the funniest feeling thing ever.

I have so much fun watching you grow up. I know we will have some good days, and some bad days. We will have some days when we both learn a lot. Mostly, I just want you to know how very loved you are.

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