Monday, November 2, 2015

Bumpdate: 38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks (last Saturday)
Baby is the size of: A pumpkin. Anywhere from 6-9 pounds and 18-21 inches.
Maternity clothes: Yes, and almost always in pajamas when I am home at this point. 
Sleep: Waking up every hour or two now. The other night I woke up with strong contractions and was up for a few hours before they slowed down and I fell back asleep.
Best moment this week: We had so much fun on Saturday. We went pumpkin picking, did a corn maze, and brought Logan out trick or treating with his cousins. I was absolutely exhausted by Sunday!
Movement: Yes he is still moving around a bunch in there!
Food cravings: Milk and cheese.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Only if I have to get up and get out of the house quickly in the morning. Other than that, I feel pretty good. 
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Still having contractions every day. They have gotten pretty strong and close together at times, but so far they always fade away after a few hours. So different from the end of my pregnancy with Logan!
Symptoms: Still have some swelling by the end of a busy day. My back, feet, and hips are usually sore by the end of the day too.
Wedding rings on or off? On if I am going out for the day, but they have gotten pretty snug so I usually just have my engagement ring on now.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy most of the time! I do have the occasional emotional breakdown to my mom or Dan when I am feeling worn out. But I am so excited to meet this little guy, and already know all of the hard parts about pregnancy are more than worth it!
Looking forward to: Holding my baby boy, and watching Logan be a big brother for the first time. We also have an ultrasound to check on him, scheduled for later this week. It is always fun to get a glimpse of the little guy growing inside my belly. There will be a huge difference between the 20 week ultrasound and this one!

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