Sunday, August 16, 2015

Project 52

(I have gotten behind on these, but I am trying to get better about them again.)
A portrait of my son, once a week, every week.

We went on a family hike Saturday afternoon. We had just barely hit the trail, when you started filling your hands with treasures. I handed you a bag to collect all of your favorite things. As long as you could carry them, they were fair game. You filled it with all kinds of rocks, sticks, leaves, pine cones, and even an old railroad nail. When it got too heavy, you would take a while to ponder which ones weren't special enough to make the trip, and put those back along the path. You kept up really well, but on the way back to the car you convinced daddy that you needed a shoulder ride. It was such a fun family day and reminded me of just how big you are getting!


  1. Nature and hikes is exactly what I need right now - it's a lovely photo you captured babe. SO many lovely memories to show your lovely son one day xxx
