Wednesday, April 15, 2015

We Are Growing!

There are not really any words to express how excited we are to be expecting our second little one. It is a blessing that we have hoped and prayed for every day for over two years now. The past few years of waiting have taught us so much and even strengthened our marriage in so many ways. We are so excited about adding this new little baby to our family in November. 

Since I mentioned my pcos diagnosis on the blog nearly a year ago, I have had multiple doctors appointments and treatment plans. It is a process that I wish I had been a little more brave in opening up about on here, simply because I have been so encouraged by women who are willing to open up about their own health/ infertility struggles. I am hoping that as time passes, I will be a little more open about some of the things that have been going on in my mind and heart while waiting for this little one.

Now for a couple little details about the pregnancy:
I am due in November.
I am ten weeks along this week.

We have had our first ultrasound and heard the baby's heartbeat. I have decided that hearing my little one's heartbeat is one of my favorite sounds in all of life.

Logan had been asking for a baby sister for about a year. He has decided that a little brother might be better now. :) We keep talking about how God chooses the gender, so it could be a boy or a girl and we will love the baby so much no matter what. He has surprised me with how interested he is in the pregnancy, seeing ultrasound pictures, and knowing how big the baby is each week.

This pregnancy has been quite a bit different than my first so far. I have definitely been dealing with more morning sickness... which is mostly afternoon/ night sickness for me. I also try to get most everything done in the first three hours of my day, because I know that the only energy I will have left, needs to be spent on my family for the rest of the day. Hopefully my energy will pick back up in the next few weeks!

To be honest, I was so blessed with an easy first pregnancy that I was expecting my next to be a lot more difficult. And while things have been a little more challenging so far, overall I am so thankful that I am not as sick as so many women are. I should add that Dan is the most helpful and understanding husband ever. He has been totally fine with cereal, pancakes, sandwiches, and canned soup for dinner over the past few weeks. I feel good most days and for that I am so grateful!

A quick thought for those of you who may be reading this and still waiting on your precious little baby...
Never give up.
And I am praying for you every day. 

If you are reading this and don't mind me praying for you by name, I would love to do that too. I would love to get excited for you when the day comes that you get the news you have been waiting on. I have no way of knowing if that will be this month, or even this year. I don't know if you will be able to carry the baby yourself, or if you will be the mom that a child across the world desperately needs. I am so passionate about families and raising children that I would love to be able to get excited with you when that day comes. And never ever give up because that day will come! 


  1. Oh girl, HUGE congratulations! What wonderful news! :)


  2. CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy you blessed, beautiful lady!!! I adore the photo's! Awww my word I honestly have so much happiness pouring out for you right now!

    Great that Logan is taking such an interest in the pregnancy too and asking such mature questions! He's going to make a stunning big brother.

    You are such a kind, sweet-natured woman and I find it wonderful that you are willing to pray for those who are waiting for their babies to arrive. Thank you for being who you are xxx
