Monday, January 19, 2015

Three Years.

Logan turned three years old on Saturday.

Sometimes the days I spent with him as a baby seem as clear as if they had just happened yesterday. I can see those crazy blonde curls that always sat high up on his head. I can almost feel the little ball that he once was curled up on my chest and falling asleep. I can picture him playing peek-a-boo from behind the cabinet door.

Sometimes there are days that it feels like those are all distant memories. It has gone by so fast. Like a blur, those days of nursing him to sleep, making baby food, and changing diapers are stored away in my heart.

They are stashed away as new memories are built. I love this age. It is great... and hard. I know that a few years from now my heart will melt over the hugs and kisses he gave so generously, or toddler pronunciation. Or watching him try out a bike for the first time. I will look back and smile thinking about how proud he was when the bat and ball connected, and the ball went soaring through the air.

His party went like that. It was a little bit of a blur and then it was over. He had asked for a batman-pirate-astronaut party. I told him he could choose one of those. (Points for trying kiddo.) He went with an astronaut theme. This was the first year that he really understood that his birthday was coming. He was counting down the days and asking, "What day is it?" all week long.

It was still early Saturday morning, when he came flying into the bathroom while I was showering and shouted, "HOORAY IT'S MY BIRFFDAY-DAY". When I asked how old he was he quickly blurted out, "Twenty-four." Thankfully, we still have some time before we get there. 

Since it all happened so quickly, I didn't get many pictures. So these are a mixture of some of the ones I took and some that I got from my mother in law. My mom was a big help with decorations, and my mother in law made the cakes and opened up her house for the day again this year. A big thank you to both of them!


  1. So fun! Love that cake- that's great! It does go by way to fast- beautiful and totally heartbreaking at once!

    1. Yes exactly! I loved the cake too. My mother in law makes amazing cakes... and I love not having to make them. :)
