Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Goals {2}

Here we are about to enter 2015 and I have no idea how that is possible. Each new year seems to speed by faster than the last. Earlier this month I took another look at my 2014 goals. Some of them I did really well with, and some I barely worked on at all. I am happy to have had them written down though. It did make me work toward them more consciously this year. 
Here are the 2014 goals and a little about how I think I did with them... 
Date my husband more.
This was the one that I believe was most successful. I was hoping for at least one date per month, and I would say we enjoyed about 10-12 this year (skipping some months and doubling up on others). Now that Logan is a little older, it is easier to get away with Dan for the night. If it weren't for Logan's grandparents, we probably wouldn't see much alone time. It has been such a blessing to be dating again this year. I love that man so much!
Exercise more often. 
I did pretty well with this for about 6 months out of the year. (The warm ones.) My goal was 3-4 days per week. I walked/ jogged in town with Logan in the jogging stroller (screaming "Faster! Fasterrr!") about that often last summer. We went on more hikes this year. When the weather got colder, I stopped being as faithful about this.
Learn when to say "no" and say it.
This is one that I think I will have to work on for the rest of my life. Balance. Priorities. I don't think I did great with it this year.
Learn to cherish the value of my role as a mother. 
This is one of those life long goals too. It is so important to be thinking about the ways my actions and love will effect Logan (and so many others) for years to come. I thought about this more this year as he is getting a little older and has started forming a few of his own views on God, the world, and people.
Serve the community more.
Being honest here... I did not work toward this as much as I wish that I had. We helped in some small ways (donating food and necessities to local food pantries mostly). This is one that I hope to do a lot more with this year. It is so important to teach Logan that it is a blessing and privilege to be helping others.

So now for a couple 2015 goals...
Here are the old ones that I want to bring into the new year:
Dating Dan. I think this has to go on the list again this year because it is so important. I want to keep working at making it a regular thing.
General Health: I learned so much about my health this year. About what it will take for me as an individual to be healthier. I have asked so many questions at doctor's appointments. I have done so much research on PCOS and all that comes with it. I have been put on a medication, take an assortment of vitamins, and have learned so much about how my body handles calories and exercise. I have lost some weight since my last doctors appointment and hope to stay on that track. I am aiming to continue the learning process this year. Dan has set up a workout room in the basement which means no excuses (even in the colder months) as far as exercise goes.
Community Service: I would like to intentionally do so much more toward helping out in our town and those surrounding it in 2015.
And here are the new ones:
Save more/ spend wisely: I hope to spend more time on meal planning, looking for deals, and planning well for purchases. This is one that can be worked on constantly, and usually just means spending some extra time each week planning. I want to do as much as I can to be helping with this.
Get the last six years of photos printed: This may seem a little silly to have as a yearly goal, but it is something that I have been wanting to get done for so long now. I take so many pictures but never actually have them printed out. If I do six months worth of photos each month I will be caught up by next year at this time. I want to have a shelf full of albums to thumb through!

Do you make goals/ resolutions each year? In my opinion, keeping it simple with just a few is the way to go. I feel way less overwhelmed if I only have a small list to think about throughout the year. I also think breaking up smaller goals by week or month seems to work out well.

Wishing you a happy New Year filled with lots of love and sweet memories!


  1. Sounds like lots of good stuff here! I so need to print off my pictures- I am years and years behind and now it just seems to overwhelming! I hope this is an incredible year for you with so many beautiful blessings!

  2. Thank you! I have been so bad about doing anything with my pictures other than posting them here. I am hoping that if I work on doing some every month it won't seem so daunting.
