Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Just Do It.

To be honest, sometimes when Logan wakes up to fresh snow outside, and excitedly asks if we can go out and play, I dread it a little in a that sounds like a lot of work sort of way. It is kind of like dreading the plans I have made because I would rather stay home in comfy clothes. Then I make myself go out, and end up having a blast. I am always so glad that I decided to just do it. Getting little ones all dressed in their snow clothes, pulling sleds, helping them walk through inches (or sometimes feet) of snow, clearing snow that inevitably gets inside their jacket, and then helping them with the bathroom break that becomes and emergency situation as soon as their boots hit the snow, can be exhausting.

I was thinking the other day though, about how playing in the snow is one of my favorite childhood memories. I loved being out sledding with my siblings. We would dig tunnels in the snow bank and hide inside. We would sled from the very top of the large hill in our backyard. On special days, my mom would drive us down the road to an even larger sledding hill. We always had a blast, and I know Logan loves it just as much as I did.

So even though it seems like a lot of work, I try to make the effort to get the boys out to play in the snow. We have so much fun once we are out there. Logan loves climbing the snow banks, making snow angels, and having snow ball fights.

I grabbed my camera when we headed out to play last week, so that I would be able to look at these pictures and remember how much fun we had. I love making memories with my boys!


  1. What precious memories these will be for your sweet boys! Love this!

  2. As a child I remember just loving playing in the snow too! Going sledding and building forts and what not. And then as an adult it seems to become more of a hassle than anything! But this year I too have been trying to enjoy it more. We went snowshoeing the other day, and I've been going on lots and lots of walks through the snow since we got our new puppy. I am happy to say I have a newfound appreciation for the snow. Anyway I bet your boys will always remember how you took the time to take them outside to play!

  3. aww cuties. we have only had one great big snow so far. I am kind of hoping for one more just so that we can have another day of play.
