It has been a while since I have done one of these posts...
Making: (made) Valentines cards with Logan (and still working on his b-day thank you cards too :o)
Cooking: baked potatoes for lunch with cheese and broccoli toppings
Drinking: Lots of water (trying to get rid of some killer headaches lately)
Reading: Love Unending and so far really loving it!
Wanting: To be better about balancing priorities. I feel it is a constant battle.
Looking: At the pile of random clutter that I just swept up from the dining room floor. One year olds seem to have an amazing talent of dragging things like underwear, socks, ladles, and pans out onto the floor just in time for the neighbor to knock on the door. Never fails.
Playing: with this gear set that Logan got for his birthday. Eliott and Logan both love these and will sit together and play with them.
Wasting: Leftovers. We have been bad about making sure we do a "leftover night" lately.
Trusting: That everything will work out for the best for a good friend that is hurting.
Sewing: Recently: bibs & throw pillow covers and just last night: new pants for Eliott
Wishing: I was better about dealing with mom guilt.
Enjoying: Watching Logan pick up on reading. This bob book set has been great for building confidence.
Waiting: On spring! I am so ready for warmer weather!
Liking: Purging. We have been doing some major purging for the past few months. It has been a slow process, but with so many people staying in the house, (especially on the weekends) it has been helping make the house feel a little bigger than it actually is.
Wondering: When we will end up moving to a new place.
Loving: The sweet little note Dan left me when he headed to work before we were up this morning.
Hoping: That I am giving each of the boys the one on one time that they need.
Marveling: At how I am already putting the 12 month baby clothes away. HOW!?!
Needing: A mom's day out. Dan is sending me out on a day of thrift store/ antique browsing soon (his birthday gift to me) and I cannot wait. I used to love doing that before the boys, but two energetic little boys have a way of taking the fun out of browsing antique shops. ;)
Anticipating: My in-laws gifted the boys with swim lessons, and I am so excited for them to start.
Contemplating: Cheap and easy recipes. I have a handful that are my go to meals, but would love to branch out more.
Smelling: This baby lotion. The boys just had baths and this is my absolute favorite.
Wearing: My new boots. I have needed some good winter boots for a while, especially with all of the snow storms, and after this little incident, it was time to get some nice snow boots. I have been wearing them constantly.
Following: Some homeschooling mamas. I love seeing lesson plans, curriculum, science experiment ideas, and any other little hints they have to offer.
Noticing: How much Eliott understands at this age. He is still only saying a handful of words consistently, but will follow commands very well.
Knowing: That God has a plan for the hard lessons/ difficult/ heartbreaking things that happen in life.
Thinking: About warm weather, beaches, cook outs, playgrounds, and sunshine!
Praying: For my friend that I mentioned above.
Bookmarking: Natural ways to prevent the flu/ sickness. With seven people in the house on the weekends, I am determined to do whatever I can to keep the flu at bay this season.
Opening: Instagram stories. I wasn't sure what I thought about them at first, but I love being able to get a little glimpse at my friends' days and keep up with them through that.
Giggling: At the truth in this meme.
Feeling: A little overwhelmed with finding time to do all of the things I want/ love/ need to do. But also feeling very thankful for all that I have been blessed with.
Oh friend, you are such a good momma to those boys! Don't you let Satan tell you lies. Forget that mom guilt. Listen to God's truth instead. *HUGS* And feel free to remind me of this in oh, say a year or two when you hear me saying the same thing.
ReplyDeleteThank you!! Yes it is a reminder that every mom needs from time to time, and I will be happy to return the favor one day. ;)