Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Letter To My Husband On Father's Day

I always believed you would be a great dad.
It was one of the very first things that attracted me to you when we were still in school. I would watch how you treated me and valued me. I would watch the way that despite being a quiet guy, you were always surrounded by little kids on missions trips as teenagers and think "He'll make a really great dad someday."

But really I had no idea....

I had no idea that when I was too weak to hold our son just minutes after he was born, you would stand by my side and support my arm so that I could hold the baby that we both loved in a way we had never believed possible.

I had no idea that you would beg me to wake you up in the middle of the night to change his diaper, even when you had to get up to work long hours the next day.

I had no idea that you would call or send pictures from work just to remind him how loved he is.

I had no idea that you would take him out on Saturday morning donut dates and have him help you pick out the perfect flowers to bring back for me.

I had no idea that you would take our son aside and apologize when your patience was short.

I had no idea that you would hold my hand and pray daily for another baby because you love raising them just as much as I do.

I had no idea that I would commonly be referred to as "my gorgeous" by our three year old because of the example you set for him in the way that you love me.

I could name a million things that I had no idea about, because you have truly blown me away with how you have loved God and your family. Thank you for leading us the best way that you know how. Thank you for navigating this parenting road with me. Thank you for being the man I didn't know you could be. I hope you feel just how loved you are. Happy Father's Day!


  1. Oh my goodness, this is such a beautiful tribute to your husband. What a good man and great daddy!
