Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mud Puddles And Mud Pies

For the past few weeks I have been working on finding the balance of really being in the moment, and also wanting to capture it in some form so that I don't ever forget the memories we are making. I love looking back at pictures and remembering the day they were taken so clearly. I know that some of the little moments would be so easily forgotten if I hadn't snapped a picture (or a thousand). It is important to be sure that while trying to capture the everyday stuff, I am not holding a camera or cell phone in all of Logan's memories. I have been leaning toward leaving my camera/ cell phone aside, and focusing my attention where I want it to be.

I love pictures so much that it takes some conscious effort to not pull out the camera with every bubble bath beard, afternoon snuggle, and new recipe made. I love being a wife and mom so fiercely that I want it all captured and stored away for some day years down the line. Ultimately, I have to remember that it is all about finding a balance. It is about being in the moment and capturing some of them for the sake of memory too.

Today presented the perfect opportunity to take the camera out for a few minutes. It was above 40° here in New England. We haven't felt anything that warm in a month and a half. The feet of snow we have are starting to shrink (a little) and Logan was eager to get outside. We splashed in puddles, and threw snowballs at each other. Logan loved making a big snowball, and watching it melt into a puddle. Then, we made little mud pies out of chocolate pudding to celebrate the hope that spring is on the way!


  1. Aw I'm glad the weather warmed up and that you were able to enjoy some time outside! Looks like the little one had tons of fun :)
    Miss the snow sooo much!!! xxx

    1. I usually like the snow for the first month and then I am ready for sunny days again after that. The time outside has been so nice now that it has started warming up a little bit.

  2. These pictures are beautiful, but I know exactly what you mean. It's definitely a struggle, I have such a terrible memory, so I love documenting small moments that would otherwise go unnoticed, but sometimes it can definitely feel to forced!

    1. Thanks... I am with you on the terrible memory, but it is so much easier to bring a day back to my memory if I have a picture from it.

  3. I'm with you on always looking to find that balance. Glad you got these pictures, though. They are absolutely adorable!
