Monday, February 23, 2015

One Fish Two Fish // Red Fish Blue Fish

On Saturday, Logan woke up to his first real understanding of death. Thankfully, his pet fish was probably the best way for him to start to understand the process, but it broke this momma's heart to see him hurt.

I followed him down the stairs Saturday morning and headed to the kitchen to start my coffee. We had only been downstairs a few seconds, when he noticed his fish and came running toward me. He had only gotten out half of his sentence, "DID THE CATS EAT..." when he broke down crying.

Dan cleaned up the dead fish and tank, while I held Logan and let him cry. He was devastated, and I felt bad that he was the one that found the whole mess. He kept saying his tummy didn't feel good with Darth gone. Finally after about a half hour he calmed down some and decided that we should go pick out a new fish.

We went to the store and spent a good part of the morning trying to decide between another blue fish that looked similar to Darth, or a red one. He went with the red one that he named spiderman. He also asked to buy him a little cave that he can use to hide from the cats. Spiderman lives on a very high shelf at night time until we can figure out how to keep the cats from getting too curious again.

The whole event was so little in the grand scheme of things, but I knew that in that moment it was heartbreaking to him. As a mom, there is nothing that hurts like seeing your baby hurt. Since fish are pretty easy to replace, we have a happy little guy again. I dread the days when it isn't so easy to make the hurt better. For now, I am just thankful that my hugs and kisses are enough, and pray that when the day comes that they aren't, he will find the comfort he needs from a God that loves him more than I do.


  1. Awwwwww I'm so sorry about Darth - that's awful for a kid. I lost my goldfish.. Bubbles.. when I was about his age. He'd swallowed a pebble. I've never forgotten!! But the new fishies make them perk up quickly! Love the name!! Spiderman! He's a gorgeous fish! Enjoy the new swimming, scaley friend xx

    1. Thanks... I love the name bubbles for a goldfish. So cute!

  2. Oh poor baby! Moments like that are definitely devastating for little kids. I'm glad he's happy with his new fish, though! Spiderman is a great name. :)
