Thursday, July 14, 2011

New beginnings.

      I have officially decided to start blogging!
      There is so much happening in life right now, and I thought this would be a fun way to keep friends and family updated. I also thought it would be nice to look back at later on. I had started blogging a while ago, but never really stuck with it. I love reading other people's blogs and find it so interesting to be able to keep up with what they are doing.  There is no better time than the present... right?
So here goes...
       I thought I would start off with a little about myself and what is going on right now. I am a young wife, and loving every minute of it! My husband and I will have been married for a year in September. It has truly been the best year of my life. (He is that handsome man at the top of the page.) We are both so excited about what God has in store for our future.
       We also recently found out that we are expecting our first baby! We couldn't be more excited. I am 13 weeks along now. Our families are very happy, and we are so blessed to have them as a support system. We are both excited to find out if it is a boy or a girl. I have been so blessed with the first trimester. The hardest part has been fighting off the fatigue. So many women have extreme morning sickness, but so far, so good! 

7 week ultrasound. The baby was just a TINY little peanut.

       We had been renting a house for the last year and are now in the house/ apartment hunting process. We have a dog and two cats which makes this process all the more interesting. We are looking to find a place in this area so that we will be close to family when the baby comes. I will stop rambling but wanted to give you an idea of what is going on right now.

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