Thursday, January 12, 2017

Sunshine & Puddles in January!

We woke up to bright sunshine and early spring temperatures yesterday morning. It was such a welcome sight, and not very typical for mid-January in New England. One of our favorite ice cream stands even announced that they would be opening for a couple days since the weather is supposed to be so nice. We have yet to go get ice cream, but we have definitely been enjoying the warmer weather while it lasts. We spent yesterday morning out splashing in puddles. We took a walk down by the river, and watched the ice melt, crack off, and float down the river. Eliott kept repeating "WOOOW OOOHHH WOOOW" with his finger pointed toward the ice. I love watching my boys discover the world.

This afternoon when Eliott went down for a nap, I told Logan to grab his bow and arrows and head outside to play. He was out there for a while before coming back into the house. He came running through the door and said...

M: Why? Who do you need?
L: Someone short, and he's sleeping right now, and I reallllly miss him.

That boy loves his little brother so much. Of course, there are times when he would rather play with kids his own age, but he absolutely adores his little brother. Their relationship is exactly what I hoped he would have one day.


  1. omg that last bit.. so cute.
    on the weekends my youngest sometimes crawls into bed with my eldest and asks him 'do you want to hug with me?'

  2. AH! That story at the end, so sweet! Love that they love each other so much! :)
